Music of Norm Schmidt

Singer/Songwriter Norm Schmidt focuses his energy, talent and gifts toward the furtherment of God's Kingdom. Many say he sounds like the late John Denver, James Taylor, or Harry Chapin.
No matter; his heart is for God, all people, and singing about His wonderful creations, nature, His glory, and reaching the ones who need to find peace with their maker.
He is also very passionate about supporting our soldiers.
Norm is a good Christian man who has been gifted with song writing and singing praise and worship to our lovely Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. If you are interested in Norm's original Christian music, see below.
Thanks for listening! And may our Lord Jesus bless you and your family!
Click the player icons below to listen to a few of of his latest songs.
Click to listen to this web page's theme song, Another Blessed Day.
This song was written for the encompassing love Christ provides to us, at all times throughout our life experiences. The idea that we are alone is one that no person likes to think about and it doesn't have to be the case. God shows us the Way, through his Son, to be free from struggling though life without hope. Through Christ, we have salvation, offered freely to all who thirst. In Christ, we have a Friend that sticks 'closer than a brother'. Simply put, with Christ, there's life, in the arms of JESUS!

In the Arms Of Jesus, I heard my baby cry. In the Arms Of Jesus my Daddy died. In the Arms Of Jesus, my Ma forgets her name still I thank God, everyday, for Jesus.
In the Arms Of Jesus, a broken heart will mend, in the Arms Of Jesus a friend stands by. In the Arms Of Jesus, the dark succumbs to light, holdin' up, everyday, for Jesus.......
..........With my Savior, I'll abide and I thank God, everyday, for Jesus.
In the Arms Of Jesus, His Glory stirs within, In the Arms Of Jesus, new hope inside. In the Arms Of Jesus, His children bow to pray, trusting God, everyday, through Jesus..........
..........Climb a mountain, shout it high - that you love God, everyday, for Jesus.
There's a place called Heaven, we'll be off to someday. In this place called Heaven, God casts our cares away. Can't wait to get there, I'm on the road back home praising God, everyday, for Jesus.......
..........Holy Holy is His name - Living then, everyday, with Jesus.
Norm Schmidt

Listen to Free Meditations
Music by Norm Schmidt
Original Instrumentals
and Copy Tunes
Often times we sit back and wonder why God has been so good to us. It can seem that we have the wind at our backs; the wind of God's favor, so to speak.
If we lay upon the rock, Jesus himself, we will not suffer loss, as if standing in a sinkhole of sand; of sin. Our Faith is built on that solid rock. We can live our lives for Christ and in the end, we will fly home to meet him, on wings, wind, and prayer.
.....Norm Schmidt

The wind of God's favor, is starting to blow, change on the way, turning leaves.
I hear a stirrin', as God begins to breathe, a rushing peaceful change for you and me...
Life's full of seasons, running in and out. rollin' up and down so it seems.
But God foresaw this, in each and every one, before the dawn of time was planned to be.
I lay up on the rock above the water - For everything else is sinking sand..
I build my faith upon the Father. He'll show His work, His loving Grace, His mighty hand.....
And so unholded, I'll fly to meet., a bran new sunrise over there.
And all those sorrows, and all these joys, lift up on wings, wind and prayer....
I lay up on the rock above the water - For everything else is sinking sand..
I build my faith upon the Father. He'll show His work, His loving Grace, His mighty hand.....

Well Done , a simple, short, promise song I wrote, about the great hope we all may share. It is now, and forever will be, dedicated to my wife's wonderful brother, Mike Phillips.
Please click here to go to Norm's page at Broadjam.com where you will find some general info, original song bites, and contact info.
Feel free to get in touch with Norm for CD ordering, general interest questions, or just to chat.
Check back often to see what's he's up to.
May God Bless.